Existe-t-il de bons glucides ?

Carbohydrates are the most common macronutrient people consume in their diets all over the world. Unfortunately, many people perceive it as the main contributor to weight gain, and this misconception has led to stigma against it in popular diets.

Despite popular beliefs about carbohydrates, they are actually essential for the proper functioning of the body and have notable health benefits. It is important to understand the truth about carbohydrates and their nutritional value.

The truth about carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are an essential macronutrient found in a wide range of foods. They are the main source of energy for the body and provide the fuel needed for physical activity. Carbohydrates are mainly found in cereals, fruits, vegetables and legumes.

Consuming carbohydrates has many health benefits as they can provide energy and fiber. Eating a balanced amount of carbohydrates can also prevent various diseases and conditions such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Carbohydrates also provide the body with important vitamins and minerals.

Good and bad carbs


Not all carbs are the same, and many can be categorized as good or bad carbs, depending on the source and type. Good carbs are generally considered sources of whole grains like oats, quinoa, and barley. These are considered beneficial to health as they provide essential vitamins and minerals and are complex carbohydrates that provide long-lasting energy to the body.

Other good sources of carbohydrates are beans, legumes, and some fruits and vegetables. These are also higher in fiber, which helps keep the body full and prevents overeating.

Bad carbs, on the other hand, are usually found in refined sugars and processed foods. These types of carbs raise blood sugar quickly and are more likely to cause weight gain. Examples of bad carbs are white bread, sodas, pastries, and chips.

Enjoy your carbs

Good carbohydrates can be consumed in different ways. Fruits and vegetables are among the most popular sources of good carbs.

Try incorporating more sweet potatoes, squash, kale and other leafy greens for a healthy dose of essential vitamins and minerals. Whole grains can also be enjoyed in a variety of ways, such as adding oats to smoothies or trying quinoa or barley as a side dish. Legumes such as lentils and beans can also be added to soups, salads and other dishes to boost fiber content.

Pour le petit-déjeuner, vous pouvez préparer un délicieux bol de flocons d’avoine avec divers fruits, noix et graines. Des pommes, des myrtilles et des framboises hachées peuvent être ajoutées aux flocons d’avoine pour un début de journée sucré et nutritif. Vous pouvez également préparer un savoureux bol de quinoa végétarien pour les végétaliens, avec une gamme de légumes frais comme du brocoli et des choux de Bruxelles.

Pour le déjeuner, vous pouvez préparer une copieuse soupe de lentilles avec des herbes fraîches et du céleri, ou du quinoa de légumes rôtis avec des patates douces et des courgettes. L’un des dîners les plus pratiques et les plus nutritifs est un bol méditerranéen composé de quinoa, d’aubergines grillées, de poivrons rouges rôtis et de fromage feta. Pour un dessert sucré, vous pouvez préparer un crumble aux pommes ou aux poires avec des flocons d’avoine, des noix et du miel. Il existe des possibilités infinies de recettes et de repas que vous pouvez créer avec de bons glucides.


Carbs are essential to a healthy diet, and it’s important to understand the difference between good and bad carbs. Although some people may opt for fad diets that completely omit carbohydrates, it is important to consult a registered dietitian or nutritionist before starting a new diet. Eating a balanced diet is key to a healthy lifestyle and the key to success is moderation.
